"I command thee:
On your knee!"
So 7 became z
Tutu was one, too.
When 111 a race 1s,
"Hi, Five!"
Tuesday, Thursday, today and tomorrow!
Post office.
"Nice haircut!"
Because 28 29s.
Because it was in the middle of 9/11.
"Nice belt!"
Because seven ate nine.
Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak/week days.
Because there's a "mile" between each s.
None. None of them have "c", "o", "m" or "n" in them.
The "T"
A teapot.
The "Q"
The "T"
The "C"
Because it's in the middle of the DAY.
Because the "B" is after it.
The "W"
The "U"
The "I"